Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Camel Toe

My colleague, WeiLun asked me " Do you know what is camel toe?", I replied, "No idea". Thus, He suggested checking online under Yahoo search, image tab. As the page starts loading, I'm a little disgusted as that is not something I would like to look "deep" into. However, I'm not going to tell you what that is. You just have to do the same thing like I do. Go online and search.

Other than that, it’s a same old day. Woke up at 5.30am, catching my company bus, having the same $1.85 lunch, reading the novel, The Fifth Mountain by Paulo Coelho. I'll share it with you once I've finished as all his books are extremely philosophical. I always try to find different sources to stimulate my brain. I better wake up and do something with my life now...


Katie said...

it's so funny that you searched 'camel toe' on yahoo. I'm afraid to even go search and see what it comes up with.

Simplicity said...

Luckily there's no 1 behind mi! *oops*


skylet said...

haha...Hi Katie, great to know that someone is reading my blog. Anyway, curiosity kills lots of cat thus I search online to satisfy my curiosity :)