Monday, November 26, 2007

Happily ever after…ever ever after? หนูน้อยหมวกแดง

Last Friday, I met one of my distressed friends, WB for dinner. Instead of cheering him up and offering my five cents worth of advice in life, he zealously recommend this extremely hilarious and life enlightening movie, ENCHANTED to cheer me up?

The story goes like this…A princess to be was pushed by the devious queen to the world where happily ever after do not exist. Guess where? It’s the earth where you and I live.

After watching the movie, I can’t help but to wonder has Fairy tale lost its existence in our world? If it’s true, what will the real fairy tale be like? Cinderella discover her beloved husband is having an affair with the less than enthralling chamber maid or Sleeping beauty is faking orgasms to make the prince happily ever after…

As men decided to abandon fairy tales for “Balls” (any kind of balls you can think of :), Is love becoming secondary in our life as we pursue on sex, fame and fortune? Perhaps the only fairy tale that we should believe in is the red ridding hood that had been devoured by the devious wolf. Don’t believe in the sweet nothings and romantic gestures that the wolf disguise easily as what comes later might be severely damaging or psychotic.

I know I’m cynical but instead of thinking “Happily ever after”, let’s just hope for the best and prepare for the worst and be present in every moment cause nothing happens by accident, everything happens for a reason…

Thursday, November 15, 2007

what's there not to celebrate?

In Singapore, you either look for the perfect job, perfect house or the perfect relationship. What’s not perfect is that if you’re single you’re bound to be discriminated. Let’s see, when you are in a relationship, you celebrate Valentine’s Day, when you’re married, you celebrate wedding anniversary but when you’re single, what do you celebrate about? Congratulations on your break up! You’re now single! It’s so unfair that as a single on my 27th year. I’ve learnt that the perfect relationship starts with you first. If you can’t handle your own emotions then forget about loving somebody. Besides, Statue of Liberty is a single celebrating his own Freedom in New York. We singles celebrate our own independence, freedom and which movie to watch? I know once in a while everyone needs someone to share, listen or for some people to have sex with but why can’t people accept the fact that a person can be alone, perfectly well to celebrate his or her own single hood.

Seriously, I’ve been a single for 27th year. Did I say 27 again? I’m getting old. I catch a movie on my own. I eat on my own. Okay! Don’t you dare think that it’s pathetic. I can read your mind. Once in a while, I can have a hot date. She is as hot as Tom Yam Kung (Soup), as delicious as Phad Thai and as sweet as the Thai Ice Tea. It all happens unexpectedly last year during my birthday. I’ve been dating her for two years. Although I don’t usually hang out with her often but once in a while, it’s an amazing experience not to forget. The best thing about this great date is that there is not expectation of what to say, what to wear and not to mention what not to embarrass. There seems to be a mutual understanding between her and me. It’s not contrived and is full of surprises. Who am I dating with? It’s the city of angels, Bangkok. I think it’s getting serious. What’s serious is that I don’t feel lonely about it. I travel and discover a whole new me. I enjoy the quality time I’ve spent with myself that can’t be achieve by another person or lover. What’s so bad about single hood? Is it because I can’t find happiness within myself that I need someone to complete me?

Just imagine staying in one of the guest house in Khao San, eating a small piece of blueberry cheese cake with a cup of Lipton tea, sipping my tea and typing this blog. I can’t help but to indulge that kind of solitude that I have. Instead of caring how people look at you and misjudge you. For all you know, it’s my right to be who I am and it’s my only right to embrace my single hood. Unless I'm wrong, which would be unusual for me...

Monday, November 5, 2007

Something never change...Some people will always remain the same..

I’m a reflection of your bad behavior especially to people who get into my nerves. I’ve learnt that egoistic or unreasonable barbarians will never see their true self and the only way to piss them off is to react the same way as they are, perhaps to me I’ll be a little sardonic but who can blame me as I’m born under the moon sign of Scorpio.

I dislike capricious attitude especially when the peaceful and serene surrounding doesn’t revolves only for you. Not too mention, when respect should be earn in front of the sage. Saying one thing and reacting in another through body language is the utmost unconvincing lie. Who needs to blink an eye? The more you do it, the more it feels like a temperamental spoiled brat. Thinking as a noble, sacrificing your dignity makes me feel like self pity. When you want to preserve the harmony that you hope for, it’s best not to mention anything at all as you never know what kind of trouble you've stired. It’s palpable to see something never change and some people in this world will always be childish…

Relax, Take it easy…

There is a song by MIKA, in the chorus he sang “Relax….take it easy” That’s exactly the kind of Thai expression. What’s amazing every time I visit Bangkok is that you’ll always unravel a whole new personality of the Thai people. They don’t fret over little things like being late or someone is late. Their nonchalant kind of attitude makes me feel that they know how to enjoy and appreciate life and live in the moment. Nothing seems to bother them. You can’t change the situation by stressing yourself out when you’re caught in a traffic jam. That’s what I feel. Everything does serve a wonderful purpose and the only way to find out is to move on and discover. I might not be a Thai but I feel like I know Thai people a little better. What’s more, who can smile politely and thank you sincerely when you had bargain and ask for a 50% discount on a T-shirt! For all I know, I love Thailand more than ever before…