Live your life!

Everyday an estimated number of 118 babies will be born and 51 people will die in Singapore. While this figure might not seem to be interesting but what we don’t realize is that we’re once and going to be part of this statistics.

I think in our culture most people find it a taboo to talk about death. They rather spend their lives worrying about absurdities; talking about the weather; postponing their dreams and slave themselves to society’s expectation. They complain a lot but are afraid to take action. They want everything to change but yet they are reluctant to make changes.

Death is unavoidable. When birth arises, death follows. Everyday we are dying and getting closer to our day of demise. Instead of avoiding talking about death or be frightened by death, let’s all confirm this nature of life, because all of us, sooner or later are going to die. And only those who accept this fact are prepared for life.

P/S: I delicate this blog to my godson, Alfonso Yew, may you find courage in the darkness to pursue the light and live each day as if it’s your very last day.


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