A Free Man!

Yesterday, I met a man. Not your average kind of man. He is deaf, mute and has travelled Three-quarters of the globe, Six continents & 47 countries.

All done with one beat-up BMW bike and a whole lot of quiet enthusiasms.

I saw him outside the peace centre besides a renovated shop where he displayed most of the photos on the countries he had traveled. Not to mention, the 2 big luggages that hang on both sides of his motorbike.

He explains his ambition with a white laminated sheet of A4 paper. It reads: 'I want to enter the Guinness Book of World Records as the only deaf and mute who has travelled all of Europe, Africa, Americas, Australia and Asia on a motorcycle.' What is more astonishing is that he is not subjected to his physical conditions in order to fulfill his dreams.

Now, that inspires me to travel. If traveling opens up your mind and be liberated then I’m not afraid to detach myself from my wealth & possessions. I’m not afraid to make changes. And I’ve no regrets. You see changes are constant and they are here to stay.

Sometimes, in life, we tend to take the easiest way out. What we don’t realize is that challenges bring growth, only by taking the road that few people travelled can suggest the difference between ordinary and extraordinary. I’m not afraid to face the unknown. For all you know, I’m able to make my own changes and I'm accountable for it.

Mr Yarets' journey can be tracked on http://www.yarets.com./index_eng.html


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