Poem: Disabled Dream

A dream so bright, yet far away,

Like sunlight trapped behind the grey.
I see it clear, I feel its call,
Yet chains unseen let my feet stall.

For a man like me, the real enemy

Is having a dream I may never see.
It taunts, it teases, just out of grasp,
A fleeting wish I cannot clasp.

But dreams aren’t stone, they bend, they sway,

They find new roads, a different way.
Compromised, reshaped, not lost—
A dream reborn is worth the cost.

They say the sky is free to all,

But what of those who trip and fall?
Not every flight has wings so wide,
Some rise with fire still inside.

For in the spirit, dreams ignite,

They spark a flame, they cast a light.
And hope, once lit, won’t fade away—
Hope turns to life in its own way.

So let the world throw locks and bars,

I'll carve my path among the stars.
Though I may walk a slower pace,
My dreams still stand, my hopes embrace.


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